
Dr. Bruce McCune

Bruce McCune is professor in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Oregon State University. He works on biodiversity and ecology of lichens and bryophytes as well as tools for analysis of multivariate ecological data.

Bruce is a lead programmer and author for the software packages PC-ORD (beginning in 1986), HyperNiche, and the book Analysis of Ecological Communities.

His lichen and bryophyte work have led him to coauthoring, among other volumes, Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest; Biotic Soil Crust Lichens of the Columbia Basin; Microlichens of the Pacific Northwest; and Common Mosses of Western Oregon and Washington. His lichenological research is published in many scholarly journals, including Bryologist, Ecological Applications, Journal of Vegetation Science, Lichenologist, Mycosphere, Mycotaxon, and North American Fungi. In 2016 he received the Acharius Medal for lifetime achievement in lichenology.