4. Explore Your Models Graphically
You can explore your models with:
- 2D and 3D response surfaces
- Estimated vs. observed values
- Residual plots
- Partial models
For example, generate a 3D response surface as follows. Select the model you wish
to graph by clicking on the model in the model list window. In this case we chose
model number 1540, relating Isomyo to the two predictors LogDia and Height.
We get the following graphic:
It is a bit difficult to see the full response shape, so let's rotate the graph for a
different view:
The response surface is broken in the areas where there was insufficient data, as set
by the minimum average neighborhood size. This parameter was set during the model
fitting phase. To achieve a smoother, continuous curve we can increase that
parameter from 3 to 10.
The following graphic shows the best 2D model with this stronger smoothing: