PC-ORD Booklet

To get started, click on the booklet above and view it or download it. Or, if you already have the software, see the Help topic Getting Started, which contains the same information with many other topics. The PC-ORD context-sensitive help system has a more extensive text describing the programs available in PC-ORD, focusing on the mechanics of running the programs. It does not say much about the rational for using a particular analysis and why.

Some useful references to help you decide what is appropriate for your data are McCune and Grace (2002), Beals (1984), Gauch (1982), Tabachnik and Fidell (2001), and Greig-Smith (1983), and Ludwig and Reynolds (1988). Gauch's book is a good introduction to the techniques developed at Cornell, and is still a good introduction to community analysis in general. Beals (1984) contains a penetrating critique of distance measures and ordination techniques from an ecological viewpoint. Clarke (1993) is an excellent, though somewhat dated, summary of the use of nonparametric techniques in ecology, for example nonmetric multidimensional scaling. Legendre and Legendre (1998) provides the most exhaustive survey of these techniques with a more mathematical presentation.

PC-ORD Trademark

Trademark: The essence of multivariate analysis is the extraction of a small number of important relationships from a very large number of possible relationships. The PC-ORD trademark on the cover symbolizes bringing to the foreground those few important relationships from all the possible relationships found in the background data.